Local Support


A directory of services in Lambeth to help make accessing information as straightforward as possible. They hope you find everything you need but if you can’t please get in touch.

Visit the MYcommunity website

LGBT Foundation

Established in 1975, LGBT Foundation exists to support the needs of the diverse range of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. They believe in a fair and equal society where all LGBT people can achieve their full potential. #EqualityWins underpins much of what we do and we aim to be; ‘here if you need us.’

Visit the LGBT Foundation website


They’re here to bring people together to try new things, connect with their neighbours, develop friendships and feel part of a community. MYsocial is a social membership service open to adults of all ages.

Membership is open to anyone who wants to meet new friends, try new things and to do more of what makes them happy, with most of our events free or under £10, and there are great discounts on more expensive experiences

Visit the Mysocial website

Love Your Neighbour

Love Your Neighbour is South London Cares’ friendship matching scheme in Southwark and Lambeth bringing older (over 65) and younger neighbours together to spend a little time one-to-one.

Visit the Love Your Neighbour website