Dr Penelope Jarrett

Dr Penelope Jarrett

Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: MBBS (1999) DFFP DRCOG DCH MRCGP

I was born in Kings College Hospital, and grew up in Lewisham. I initially pursued a career as an academic scientist, but eventually decided that I what I really wanted was to be a medical doctor. I went back to University as a mature student, and five years later had a medical degree and 2 small children.

I did my junior doctor and GP training years in Lewisham as a flexible trainee, and worked as a GP in Lewisham before moving to Lambeth in 2012.

I represented GPs on the Local Medical Committee (LMC) in Lewisham, and am now Chair of the LMC in Lambeth. I have been elected several times to represent London GPs at the BMA annual meetings.

Outside work, I am active in local community groups and keen on sport and exercise, especially outdoors. Research supports my personal experience that these activities are good for our physical and mental health. I qualified as a Level 2 rowing coach in 2015, and coach juniors at weekends. I volunteer in the medical team at the London Marathon.